Kokomo School Corporation provides a full continuum of Special Education services for students with disabilities, ages 3 – 21. Students are determined eligible for Special Education through a multidisciplinary assessment coordinated by a school psychologist.
We are committed to educating the student in the least restrictive environment; KSC works closely with parents, teachers, and administration to attain this objective. LRE is often explained as two distinct, yet clearly-related concepts: the actual setting in which a student with a disability receives special education and related services and a philosophy that a student with a disability should, to the maximum extent appropriate for that student, be educated with his or her non-disabled peers.
Special education services are required and described by the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, which was reauthorize in 2004. On the state level, special education services are governed by the Indiana Administrative Code, commonly referred to as “Article 7” was reauthorize in August 2008.
Article 7
Procedural Safeguards
Dr. Tenicia Helmberger
Director of Secondary Education and Special Programs
Mrs. Kelly Barker
Assistant Director of Special Programs