Title I is a federal program that provides additional resources for supplemental educational services for eligible public and non-public school students. The amount of Title I funds a school district receives is determined by the district census poverty data. Schools receive Title I funds based upon the number of students on free/reduced lunch.
Title I Services are provided at seven Kokomo elementary schools: Bon Air, Boulevard, Elwood Haynes, Lafayette Park, Pettit Park, Sycamore, and Wallace. Additionally, two middle schools, Bon Air and Maple Crest, receive Title I funds. Title I funds support half day district wide preschool for three and four year old children living in the Kokomo school attendance area. Kokomo School Corporation utilizes Title I funds to provide services to four nonpublic schools: Sts. Joan and Patrick , Redeemer Lutheran, and F. D. Reese. The Title I Delinquent Grant also supports the Robert J. Kinsey Youth Center.
KSC uses Title I Funds to provide programs and services that are designed to help all students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to meet the Indiana Academic Standards. KSC Title I funds are used to provide Instructional Facilitators, staff for additional small group literacy and math instruction, a half day preschool program, professional development workshops and training, and family involvement activities. Materials and supplies provided through Title I include professional books and materials for staff, instructional materials and supplies for classrooms, and additional technology.
We welcome you to Kokomo Schools. Please contact our Title I Office at 765-455-8000, extension 10347, for further information.