Integrated Arts

Integrated Arts School

The Integrated Arts School at Wallace serves students in grades K-5. This program recognizes the importance of the arts in education while enhancing the regular curriculum. Local area artists, musicians, and actors serve as artists-in-residence for two or three week periods throughout the school year. The school day at the Wallace School of Integrated Arts is one hour longer than the other elementary schools because the students have the opportunity to learn piano keyboarding and study violin daily. Integrated Arts' students also study dance and movement, visual arts, and Spanish.

Magnet School

Wallace School of Integrated Arts

The Integrated Arts School is a magnet school. Choice applications for the next school year will be online in February following the District Education Fair and be available until April 1st. Applicants will be given an arts-related test with an established criteria level required for admission. Students learn through a core curriculum in an environment in which the arts are integrated into all aspects of learning. Students construct and demonstrate understanding through an art form by engaging in a creative process which connects an art form and another subject area to meet the evolving objectives in both areas.

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