Participation at Meetings


The Board of School Trustees welcomes public interest in our school district, and recognizes and values public comments, at regular Board meetings, on decisions being deliberated and considered on school district matters. 

At each regularly-scheduled meeting, time is set aside for public comments related to agenda items scheduled for action.    

Citizens who wish to speak shall notify the Superintendent’s office by 4:00 p.m. the business day immediately prior to the day of the regularly-scheduled meeting.  Citizens must call the Superintendent’s office at (765) 455-8000 or email the Assistant to the Superintendent at [email protected].  The citizen must provide his or her name, address, the name of the group represented, (if any), and cite the specific permissible agenda item to be addressed.  Agenda items are posted at least 48 business hours in advance of the regularly-scheduled School Board meetings on the District’s website and at the Administrative Service Center, or may be found by clicking HERE.

Individuals permitted to speak at a meeting will be allowed to speak no more than three minutes to share his/her comments.  No individual may speak more than once concerning the same topic relating to an agenda item. The total time allotted for “Comments By Visitors Regarding Meeting Agenda Items” shall not exceed twenty (20) minutes.  Comments during statutorily required hearings shall remain. 

To read the entire “By-Law 0167.3 Public Participation at School Board Meetings”, click HERE.

The Board respects proper communication channels, referring all complaints to the proper administrative office, and considers complaints only after failure of an administrative solution.  Comments on non-agenda items may be shared for Board review by submitting in writing to the attention of the Board President, Kokomo School Corporation, 1500 S. Washington Street, P.O. Box 2188, Kokomo, IN  46904-2188.  No specific response will be provided by the Board.  

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