Submission Guidelines

Informational materials to be distributed via Peachjar by community organizations must meet certain criteria to prevent the exploitation of Kokomo School Corporation students. As such, Kokomo Schools will NOT approve the distribution of E-flyers which:

  • Are deemed not suitable for children
  • Disrupt the educational process
  • Are obscene, lewd, or vulgar
  • Are libelous
  • Contain language that is intimidating, demeaning, harassing, or threatening on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin or ancestry, sex, age, and disability; or language including, but not limited to, racial, sexual, or ethnic slurs
  • Promote a business or commercial product
  • Promote, or are hostile to, a particular political party, political organization, or political viewpoint
  • Promote, or are hostile to, any religion; however, informational material of events and/or activities by religious organizations will not be denied if the material complies with other guidelines… and does not in itself pray and/or proselytize (attempt to convert or ask to join) that religion

NOTE: These guidelines may be updated periodically to reflect changes in State and Federal laws, as well as changes in community standards!

E-flyer design information

E-flyer information is limited to a basic description of the event/activity/service, along with Time/Date/Place/Contact Person/Telephone number or Email Address. E-flyers may not list prices for events in the body of the flyer, but can link to such information through a Peachjar button that will allow families to contact community organizations with any questions and/or to register their children for an event if they so choose.

Each E-flyer will be reviewed on an individual basis. A decision not to post a community organization’s information is not to be considered disapproval of the activity/event; but rather, a decision based on the best interests of the Kokomo School Corporation and its students and/or parents. If applicable, Kokomo Schools officials will share the reasons for rejection, as well as what changes can be made to meet corporation guidelines.

ALL E-flyers MUST include the following disclaimer: (At least 12-point type)

            “This event and/or activity is neither sponsored, nor endorsed, by the Kokomo School Corporation.”


NOTE:  Kokomo High School Only:

Posters for volunteer, internship, or employment opportunities from community organizations will continue to be submitted to the high school principal for consideration concerning posting such information on the bulletin boards at Kokomo High School.

Questions should be directed to David Barnes, Director of Communications, Kokomo School Corporation, [email protected].
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